Der für die Nextcloud angebotene Desktop Client für Windows, MacOs und Linux Rechner wurde aktualisiert und steht ab sofort in Version 3.12.0 zur Verfügung.

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Nextcloud Desktop Client 3.12.0 wesentliche Änderungen

  • [stable-3.12] partial move of some checks done with drone to github actions by @backportbot in #6395
  • [stable-3.12] Bugfix. Random crash in LsColJob after recent changes. by @backportbot in #6396
  • [stable-3.12] fix(i18n): uppercase ID by @backportbot in #6415
  • [stable-3.12] wait longer to get the contextual menu entries: may be necessary by @backportbot in #6417
  • [stable-3.12] docs(conffile) Update chunk sizes to match v2 chunking PR defaults by @backportbot in #6435
  • [stable-3.12] suppress deprecated warnings from openssl by @backportbot in #6436
  • [stable-3.12] Fix undefined sync status reporting in tray icon by @backportbot in #6437
  • [stable-3.12] Improve how the UI shows that the client is actually syncing by @mgallien in #6438
  • [stable-3.12] Do not create systray notification if there are no errors. by @backportbot in #6439
  • [stable-3.12] clean up some qml code for share dialog by @backportbot in #6441

Das Update können Sie direkt über den installierten Client ausführen oder von herunterladen und installieren.