Die beliebte Forensoftware Discourse wurde aktualisiert und liegt in der Version 3.3.0 beta2 vor. Beta ist normalweise keine Version die produktiv installiert werden sollte, jedoch sind die Releaseversionen bei Discourse anders gestaltet, sodass die Beta durchaus installiert werden kann und grade im Falle von Sicherheitsfixes, installiert werden muss.

Purwin-IT bietet Discourse mit zahlreichen Modulen in übersichtlichen Hostingpaketen: https://www.purwin-it.de/webhosting/discourse

Die neue Entwickler haben viel Arbeit in die Weiterentwicklung gesteckt und umfangreiche Fehlerkorrekturen und Neuerungen in das Release von Discourse gesteckt. Nachfolgend lediglich die Auflistung der neuen Funktionen und Bugfixes - die Highlights.

Um Discourse in der Öffentlichkeit besser zu präsentieren wurde beschlossen, ein "Power by Discourse" badget unten auf der Seite, der Self-hosted sites anzuzeigen. Diese Option kann über die Einstellungen deaktiviert werden.

Eine neue Admin Sidebar wird nun nach Themen in Gruppen dargestellt und kategorisiert, was der Übersichtlichkeit dienen soll. Alle neuen Seiten haben diese aktiviert, bestehende können diese mittels admin sidebar enabled groups setting aktivieren.

Das neue Bookmark Menü wurde neu designed und erlaubt Schnellfunktionen sowie das bearbeiten und löschen von Reminder.

User können nun direkt aus dem Profil per Chat angeschrieben werden. Die Übersicht der Keyboard Shortcuts ist nun noch übersichtlicher gestaltet. Und zu guter letzt noch die mobile Ansicht, die nun mehr modale Optionen, wie den Reminder anzeigt.

Discourse 3.3.0 beta2 Release Notes

Changes in Plugins

  • discourse-shared-edits
  • discourse-solved
  • discourse-subscriptions
  • discourse-topic-voting
  • discourse-translator
  • discourse-zoom
  • docker_manager

New Features

  • Add HTML replacements
  • Force admin sidebar for all admins in admin_sidebar_enabled_groups and handle legacy “hamburger dropdown” in this mode (26899)
  • Remove “Enable Sidebar” step from setup wizard (26926 1)
  • Revert redirect from wizard to guide (26873)
  • Additional links for moderator’s sidebar (26815)
  • Allow watched words to be created as a group (26632)
  • Encourage users to set chat thread titles (26617)
  • New admin sidebar for moderators (26795)
  • Add experimental tracking of ‘real browser’ pageviews (26647 1)
  • Implements last read message for threads (26702 1)
  • Include themes and components keywords to the admin sidebar (26708)
  • Rate limit common AI bots crawlers by default (26731)
  • After wizard admin is redirected to the guide page (26696)
  • Allow users to sign in using LinkedIn OpenID Connect (26281)
  • Add swipe up to close toast notification (26659)
  • Show additional filter links in admin sidebar for no results (26672)
  • Allow dismissing tooltips by clicking their button (26668)
  • Use new bookmark menu in topic footer buttons (26670 1)
  • Make admin sidebar keywords translateable (26657)
  • Mandatory fields for group site setting (26612)
  • Direct link to components for admin sidebar (26644)
  • Add ‘New users only’ option to user_updated trigger (26648)
  • Merge user associated accounts, favouring the target user upon conflict (26645)
  • Bulk topic tagging allowing restricted operations on sole categories (26602)
  • User Notifications Links Page (26609)
  • Add new plugin outlet ‘after-header’ (26587)
  • Consolidate link notifications (26567)
  • Add ‘Create topic’ automation script (26552)
  • Confirmation when a public section is updated (26546)
  • Add thread support to the chat message mover (26147)
  • Enable new admin sidebar by default (26391)
  • Add message to bulk close topics (26535)
  • Hide summarization in PMs (26532)
  • Add progress bar to toast notifications (26483 1)
  • Redesigned bookmark modal and menu (23071)
  • Merge discourse-automation (26432)
  • Add args to home-logo plugin outlet (26486 1)
  • Ignore manually deactivated users when purging (26478)
  • Clear sidebar admin filter with ESC (26408)
  • The ability to expand/collapse all admin sections (26358)
  • Allow re-scoping chat user search via a plugin (26361)
  • Add page number to page titles for crawlers (26367)
  • Simplify crawler content for non-canonical post URLs (26324)
  • More flexible admin plugin config nav definition (26254)
  • Increase default DiscourseConnect session length (26261)
  • Buttons to add and remove objects for schema theme settings (26256)
  • Separate admin page for whats new and reports (26216)
  • Redesign keyboard shortcut modal (26236)
  • Add language picker for theme translations in admin UI (26150)
  • Add chat direct message button to user profile (26135)
  • Allow site settings to be edited throughout admin UI (26154)

Bug Fixes

  • Sidebar mode switching on subfolder (27026)
  • Deep linking to a message in a thread
  • Create directory items for new users when in bootstrap mode (27020)
  • Avoid error from missing meta tags (26927 1)
  • Incorrect user menu title/alt (27019)
  • Sorting user topics lists
  • Show selected topic with above-topic-list-item (26928)
  • Restore docked body document from glimmer site header (27003)
  • Remove duplicate user menu for old header implementation (27002)
  • Do not auto close on empty identifiers (27001)
  • Change request method for categories/search (26976)
  • Set selected duration to relative time picker component (26997)
  • Bold sidebar header when admin sidebar is disabled (26993)
  • Add missing translations for staff action logs. (26969)
  • Restore behaviour of adding docked classname to document body during header updates (26967 1)
  • Preveint recurring automations from running before start_date (26963)
  • Disables the modal on mobile bookmark-menu (26958)
  • Allows to disable body scroll lock on swipe modifier (26957)
  • Close d-menu before action in topic menu (26956)
  • Open Powered-by link in new tab (26953)
  • Update duration & interval when input values updated. (26796)
  • Use MaxMind supplied permalinks to download MaxMind databases (26847)
  • Attempt to onebox even if response body exceeds max_download_kb (26929)
  • Track User.status property (26941)
  • Ensure RequestTracker handles bubbled exceptions correctly (26940)
  • Ensures chat notifications links work with subfolder (26938)
  • Inject current user service in category model (26937)
  • Incorrect divider in topic admin menu (26934)
  • Prevents flakey due to usernames with quotes (26907)
  • Improvements to chat message streaming (26892)
  • Allows bots to create/update/stream messages (26900)
  • Ignore SVGs when regenerating missing optimized images.
  • Uses the correct link for the General category (26891)
  • Only show discourse-ai CTA to admins (26895)
  • Preload all ancestors of sidebar categories (26715)
  • Ensure no infinite category loop
  • An existing member of a channel is allowed to join (26884)
  • Correctly pass topic/posts context (26882)
  • Send activity summaries based on “last seen”
  • Make getCategoryIdByName theme migration helper case insensitive (26878)
  • Missing route for edit components (26874)
  • Serialization of staff_writes_only (26866)
  • Nested polls
  • Restore legacy popup menu SCSS (26864)
  • Adds support for location and details in ICS calendar (26862)
  • Select posts menu styles (26857)
  • Do not show bookmark button label in PM topic footer (26858)
  • Handle tags with underscores correctly (26839)
  • Order categories in SQL for Categories#search (26810)
  • Add excerpt fallback for chat message replies (26834)
  • Prevent race condition in recurring automations (26828)
  • Prevents long URL to overflow thread title (26827)
  • Watched Words (+ Groups) with missing action (26826)
  • Do not show empty list in the topic admin menu (26825)
  • Creating watched words…
  • Prevent infinite loop of automations triggering each other (26814)
  • Do not show topic admin menu button to regular users (26820)
  • Prevent duplicate attachments in incoming emails - take 2
  • Do not show hidden posts in search results (26800)
  • Correctly check the user id of the original message (26805)
  • Correctly enable/disable body scroll on modal (26784)
  • Correctly rename scroller everywhere (26783)
  • Better tracking of topic visibility changes (26709)
  • Ensures last read is updated on new message (26772)
  • Ensures we don’t exit without pending automations (26771)
  • Do not increment reply count manually (26769)
  • Relative picker was being reset on change (26766)
  • Build chat message excerpt for thread preview (26765)
  • Include HTML content for authenticated users with crawler UA (26757)
  • Selecting categories for new admin webhooks (26746)
  • Fetch categories for “+subcategories” option (26622)
  • Pass values of objects typed settings to theme migrations (26751)
  • Move user reindexing into a job (26753)
  • themes:update rake task not rolling back transaction on error (26750)
  • Allow deleting avatars from the selectable avatars setting (26720)
  • Ensures we close modal on reaction (26745)
  • Prevents error due to property override (26741)
  • Improve handling of ‘PublicExceptions’ when bootstrap_error_pages enabled (26700)
  • 404 when visiting theme setting objects editor for theme component (26733)
  • Use serialized subcategories in subcategory-with-featured-topics (26718)
  • Automatic code highlighting not applied in fullscreen modal (26710)
  • Messages are already reversed (26692)
  • Ensures last read is updated on exit (26691)
  • In EmailSettingsValidator, unset smtp authentication when there’s no user and password
  • Locale mismatch at theme translations picker (26687)
  • Serialize categories for group posts (26663)
  • Resets pending automations only if necessary (26685)
  • Correct arguments for “show top replies” in topic map (26681)
  • Disable storing invalid post and topic timing when sent from client (26683)
  • Correctly re-attach allowed images in activity summary e-mail (26642)
  • Don’t purge users who were deactivated by the system (26656)
  • Don’t put non-category in Site.categories (26664)
  • Serialize categories for bookmarks (26606)
  • Use ILIKE for searching categories (26619)
  • Correctly unshrink composer when re-editing post (26650)
  • Prevents open to happen too early (26649)
  • Prevents showing discard modal on re-edit (26639)
  • Post uploads setting access_control_post_id unnecessarily (26627)
  • Wait for bookmark save before allowing menu button click (26626)
  • Deleting a groups was throwing an error (26623)
  • Ensure invalid timezone does not block critical emails (26607)
  • Update category breadcrumbs more reliably (26608)
  • Broken timeline back button title (26604)
  • Ensures reply is unlocking body scroll (26616)
  • Only allows kbd and not details
  • Load categories with user activity and drafts (26553)
  • Morph after all the “decorateCookedElement”
  • Add the ident to fix user status styling in posts (26585)
  • Nested list checkboxes css (26581)
  • Let users reset their homepage choice if custom homepage is from… (26536)
  • Bookmark clock icon not showing (26572)
  • Do not autofocus input on edit in mobile (26554)
  • Load categories with post revisions (26496)
  • Prevents mobile DMenu modal to lock scroll (26550)
  • Ensure `[date-range don’t clashes with checklist
  • Checklist weren’t working if there was an image URL
  • Do not show edit sections button on admin sidebar (26547)
  • DiscourseIpInfo.mmdb_download incorrectly joining URLs (26545)
  • Update topic property access in raw topic-status view (26528)
  • Load category info for about page (26519)
  • Keep details open in preview (26518)
  • Log search result clicks in header search menu (26500)
  • Load category before opening composer (26493)
  • Input fields not displaying when adding a object to empty setting (26509)
  • Add home-logo outlet args to non glimmer version (26495)
  • Ensure Theme#settings are instances of ThemeSettings (26481)
  • Don’t allow access to plugin page if plugin is not visible (26431)
  • Restore author on non-first-post crawler views (26459)
  • Body scroll lock textarea (26462)
  • Allows modals to disable swipe to close (26460)
  • maxmind:refresh does not respect refresh_maxmind_db_during_precompile_days (26457)
  • Ensure “save” is translatable in bookmark modal (26446)
  • Print view wasn’t working (26433)
  • Messages list shouldn’t scroll on new message (26438)
  • Only show edit history when navigating via edit notification for posts which have revisions and can have its edit history viewed (26418)
  • Error not being raised for required typed categories property (26443)
  • Use getter for showPoweredBy (26419)
  • Hide footgun max_notifications_per_user site setting (26414)
  • Don’t set smtp authentication type when there’s no user or password
  • Tweaks of select-kit on mobile (26401)
  • Prevents body scroll to hide sticky elements (26400)
  • Export false on confirm user fields when using user invites (26332)
  • Descriptions not showing for some site setting types (26399)
  • Skip tags-related validations when the skip_validations option is present (26379)
  • Allow direct message when max dm users set to 1 (26392)
  • Add content-type header to rate limiter error
  • Calendar options part 2 (26371)
  • Correctly pass down calendar options (26370)
  • Allow redirect when downloading maxmind database (26333)
  • Attempts to update select-kit on keyboard (26345)
  • Fix broken translation in tags input field objects setting editor (26340)
  • Set has_children correctly in Category.preload_user_fields! (26327)
  • Remove broken narrative-bot search context logic (26319)
  • Validate tags using Tag#name instead of Tag#id in ThemeSettingsObjectValidator (26314)
  • Anon users could not edit their own posts (26283)
  • Two elements should not have the same ID (26305)
  • Load subcategories through CategoryList (26297)
  • Serialize parent categories first (26294)
  • Keyboard shortcuts closing table builder modal (26278)
  • Ensure sitemaps include all topics with no duplicates (26289)
  • Correctly render 403 errors to crawlers using basic-html (26287)
  • Error encountered when adding child object in object setting editor (26259)
  • Simplify sidebar custom link implementation (26201)
  • Do not use return in block (26260)
  • Hide chat btn from user card when chat disabled (26237)
  • Add missing chat message illegal flag text (26255)
  • Remove “fake” mentions from extract_mentions (26253)
  • Missing IST KST and JST timezones in cooked posts (26252)
  • Do not lose admin sidebar when opening chat drawer (26235)
  • “Flash” when loading search results (26249)
  • Ensure custom composer button ‘condition’ is run correctly (26245)
  • Wait for the end of search requests (26240)
  • Regressed scroll-lock after mobile menu close (26232)
  • Refreshes post toolbar on topic scroll (26228)
  • Prevent content layout shift on mobile (26238)
  • Show max tag error and prevent search (26233)
  • Ensure dnd icon is updated immediately in glimmer header (26221)
  • Amend broken Mailgun API key check (26206)

UX Changes

  • Use a different JIT message when there are no search results in the users directory (27009)
  • Add missing class for oneboxing youtube video (27005 1)
  • Use display_name for summary algorithm to display a custom LLM’s name (27006)
  • Topic admin button should match height of siblings (26973)
  • Use breakpoint CSS variable instead of arbitrary 570px (26945)
  • Expand threads list tap area on mobile (26818)
  • Enable_powered_by_discourse site setting default is true (26774)
  • Add CSS for admin plugin empty list CTA (26949)
  • Link to /latest in welcome topic template (26944 1)
  • Merge the redesign experiment for embedded replies (26876)
  • Use quaternary colour for keyboard navigation (26911)
  • Hide user count in original message link (26890)
  • Update getting started guide (26889)
  • Increase custom user field description character limit (26863)
  • Admin sidebar headings are bold (26801)
  • Fix report color duplication (26799)
  • Loading spinner when clicking an item
  • Minor tweaks to user notifications dropdown (26754)
  • Changes normal level icon for user-notifications (26740)
  • Bookmark button in topic footer should have btn-default class (26717)
  • Fix styling for focused row (26698)
  • Dynamic spacing for summarization buttons (26690)
  • Keep input headings consistently bold (26510)
  • Update to variable text color for variable background (26676)
  • When reopening collapsed composer, reset height (26661)
  • Emoji aligment fixes, followup to #26491 (26618)
  • Prevent toasts from covering header (26615)
  • Improve the identifier for categories typed prop in theme objects editor (26600)
  • Make first admin a moderator to review user approvals. (26588)
  • Display JIT when user list is empty (26579)
  • Fix user menu ellipsis color (26578)
  • Tweak the checklist plugin css (26577)
  • Fix alignment issues around user status (26491)
  • New default border radius (26560)
  • No pointer cursor on “read-only” checklist
  • Shows the bookmark menu improvements
  • Chat >` deleted msg styling (26538)
  • Tweak the mention padding (26492)
  • Better copy for reminder set (26534)
  • Allow a default value to be specified for enum properties (26529)
  • Stop avatar flicker when opening user menu on Safari (26511)
  • Improvements to user tips (26480)
  • Adjustments for experimental bulk select menu (26474)
  • Changes defer copy to mark unread (26468)
  • Rename the word “Upgrade” to “Update” in the UI. (26396)
  • Tweaks enable defer setting copy (26465)
  • Improve validation error message when saving theme objects setting (26455)
  • Fix required validation error shown for not required properties (26453)
  • Switch to new object when adding object in theme objects setting editor (26454)
  • Fix overflow of long site text site names in the header (26450)
  • Minor style adjustments for schema objects editor (26444)
  • Highlight code in em and strong blocks (26435)
  • Minor theme schema editor adjustments for mobile (26434)
  • Wrap small-user-list-content for many users case (26422)
  • Add collabsible headings to theme objects editor, adjust styles (26383)
  • Fix position of characters count on objects setting input field (26357)
  • Add threads fab icon (26349)
  • Update twitter blue to X black (26343)
  • Convert mention style to inline (26317)
  • Better modal backdrop opacity fading (26328)
  • Include message when crawler content is omitted (26325)
  • Improves modal on mobile (26055)
  • Add title attribute to composer preview image controls (26301)
  • Ensure all header buttons are consistently sized (26318)
  • Improve category selector in theme objects editor (26311)
  • Improve layout of theme objects setting editor (26309)
  • Move “All Site Settings” link to top of admin sidebar (26313)
  • Improve group selector in theme objects editor (26312)
  • Hide “powered by” from account activation page (26298)
  • Hide sidebar toggle on account created route (26299)
  • Add chevron icons for expanding and collapsing all toggles in the admin sidebar (26246)
  • Adjust objects editor styles for full page layout (26265)
  • Make input sizing consistent across all browsers (26159)
  • Chat >` fix lock icon in original message link (26227)
  • Do not close post text selection on scroll (26217)
  • First pass styling experimental objects typed setting editor (26194)
  • Update twitter icon, add threads & mastodon (26203)


  • Optimise query for excluding topics in certain categories in TopicsFilter (27027)
  • Bail out of expensive post validations
  • Improve production JS build in low-memory environments (26849)
  • Reduce overhead from chat message excerpt (26712)
  • Introduce a basic api key serializer
  • Improve performance of most_replied_to_users (26373)
  • Replace posts reply_to_post_number index (26385)
  • Only allow one reviewable notification at a time (26330)
  • Fix N+1 when loading categories with custom fields (26241)
  • Remove unnecessary <link rel="preload"> for theme javascript (26220)
  • Avoid publishing user actions to the user who did the action (26225)
  • Fix N+1 when searching categories (26223)
  • Remove unnecessary <link rel="preload"> (26219)
  • Defer loading channels (26155)


  • Fix topic admin menu button colors for WCAG colors (27007)
  • Improve markup of 404 page search form (26322)
  • Add button role to the reply-to-tab anchor on desktop (26321)
  • Topic map aria-controls needs an ID (26308)

Alle Änderungen finden Sie in den Notes unter: https://meta.discourse.org/t/3-3-0-beta2-new-admin-sidebar-redesigned-bookmark-menu-chat-from-user-profile-and-more/307777/4