Das eCommerce Shopsystem, PrestaShop, wurde am 21.07.2017 aktualisiert und steht seither in der Version bereit. Das Release behebt einige Fehler im Bereich Warenkorb, Preis, dem Handling des Webcaches und dem preg-replace modifier in PHP 7.1.

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Nachfolgend die Release-Notes zum PrestaShop in Version

- Back Office:
- Bug fix:
- #7447: Do not clutter webcaches with duplicated assets' objects
- #7793: Fix the conversion_rate in the order_payment table
- #7940: Fix the categories tree
- #7947: Display product reference in Stock management list (ASM)
- #7943: Fix available quantity for ASM items in Order_edit & FO
- #7968: Fix ASM real quantity issues when changing SupplyOrder status
- #7953: Fix subcategories pagination
- #8015: Prevent adding pack in itself
- #7974: Add the condition of SSL_ENABLED to Google Maps
- #7961: Eliminate currencies doubling in ASM currency list

- Front Office:
- Bug fix:
- #7948: Apache rules for .woff2 font files
- #7995: Fix the specific price of the default combination
- #7607: Fix line endings in theme's JS files
- #7788: Fix Category Block in the Left Sidebar on Sitemap Page

- Core:
- Bug fix:
- #7560: getBaseLink() should be public
- #8023: Fix AdminSlipController filter
- #7963: Fix wrong keys for cache

- Localization:
- Bug fix:
- #7967: Update colombian tax rate

- Web Services:
- Bug fix:
- #7946: Fix preg_replace /e modifier for PHP 7.1

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.prestashop.com/en/release-notes-1-6-1-15-stable

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