Das eCommerce Shopsystem, PrestaShop, wurde am 01.08.2017 aktualisiert und steht seither in der Version bereit. Das Release behebt ca. 20 Fehler und führt Verbesserungen im Frontend, Backend und Core, durch. 

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Nachfolgend die Release-Notes zum PrestaShop in Version

Back Office

#8162: Fix bulk delete for CMS Category
#7954: Remove download limit (SQL manager CSV export)
#8126: Fix the export link of ASM movements
#8105: Fixed bug about the language link in the reply_msg mail
#8072: Add unicode prime symbol in PDF
#8061: Add correctly the free_shipping cart_rule to an order from BO
#7702: Update only checked fields when multishop option activated

Front Office

#8102: Fix multistore search indexation
#8157: Fix the pagination of the list of products
#7892: Fixed opc_id_address_invoice in OPC
#7249: Add impact on price to the product price
#8092: CategoryController - Show page 404 with an error instead of redirecting to the 404
#8091: Use $base_dir_ssl if SSL is enabled on CMS categories pages
#8073: Fix tax problems in shopping cart
#8050: Fix unit price of the product with combinations
#8137: Fix the translation when installing Prestashop



#7985: Use MySQL index in cart delete method

Bug fix

#8086: Undefined index base_price
#7885: Subrequest error in SQL Manager
#7842: Fix import theme while module use non registered hook in DB

Mehr Informationen finden Sie unter: http://build.prestashop.com/news/prestashop-1-6-1-16-maintenance-release/

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